Wednesday 30 January 2013

Wire Frames Part 2

For this week, each member of the group created a wire frame - 2 to 3 pages of the app. Although there has not been an official set colour scheme, we figure that would be an easy fix.

This is the first draft design I came up with for the conference.. The concept of this app is to bring the basic details of the event to our guests, from the floor plan (washrooms, meet and greets etc) to guest speaker background information. We wish to exhibit maybe 2 specific articles as a "free trial" if it is decided that the magazine is to be sold. Also perhaps at the back of tickets there will be a qr barcode for this app to be downloaded. As a group we have yet to come together to create one cohesive design

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Wire frames

As it is fairly still early in the project we have been active on our group platform. For this week we have decided that we'd each design a wire frame or  two for this up coming saturday. We have decided to design for the iphone platform for now, seeing how we all own one and are used to that interface. With this we can draw from our personal experience with the devices to optimize the users experience. After presenting our ideas.. we will then go to choose the elements we liked out of each and try and incorporate it into a master design.

Wednesday 16 January 2013


With this being the beginning of the project, the group mostly had speculations on how we were going to approach and handle this app. Within this week we have managed to create a group platform (a wiki) where we can all communicate in between our busy schedules. Personally I have completed an assigned section of the semester wide plan that was assigned last week. I have also been in close contact with the art direction team in order to get a sense of the direction they were headed in to possibly design an app markup for next week. The hardest task this week was getting everybody on board with the wiki as we all were getting settled into our new placements. For next week we each look to develop possible designs for this app.