Wednesday 28 November 2012

Friday 23 November 2012


Im having issues with my WP login.. I have reseted my password numerous of times and still no luck.. I'v read a couple blogs and forums and they are saying there may be conflict within one of my plugins.. I really don't want to delete the site again.. but it's looking like I may need to clear my server again, reinstall each plugin to see which one is given the issue.. 

Any other takes on it?

Saturday 17 November 2012

WP Elements

I was doing some modifications in the backend of wordpress.. came back to the "edit page" tool and my tool bar had disappeared and my html font was displaying all white... surely you could imagine my frustration ..

Back up the content on your server.. delete the WP app off the server.. then reinstall a fresh WP to the server..  then transfer your plugins and theme folder over from the backed up site.. and voila :)

Monday 5 November 2012

404 Page not found

I have a portfolio page that is a parent to photo and film page. The portfolio page is theme based which previews the posts almost like a gallery.. In adding a gallery for the photo page both pages that were subjective to the portfolio page unlinked. I went back into the archives of the auto save feature on wordpress, but still no luck.. any ideas??